Flush your Kidneys

It is important to take good care of your kidneys.  These vital organs filter your blood to remove waste from the body.  Kidneys are also helpful in balancing levels of salt and other nutrients in your blood.

Using toxic sustenance can affect the health and functioning of your kidneys but sometimes it is hard to avoid toxic elements when these products are found in virtually all modern-day foods and beverages.

Flushing your kidneys can help remove these toxins and promote your overall health and wellbeing.

But what is the best drink to flush your kidneys?  In this helpful article, we are sharing the best ways to cleanse your kidneys so they and you can feel and function at an optimal level.

What is kidney cleansing?

During a kidney cleanse you heed to focus on consuming specific foods and lots of water.  These specific foods help remove toxins from your body and offer nutrients that give your kidneys a boost. 

There are quite a few different ways to cleanse your kidneys and many programs usually involve a restricted diet for a few days in a row.  These diets often include drinking lots of water, kidney flushing drinks and foods that detox the body.

What Is the Best Drink to Flush your Kidneys

How to flush your kidneys?

To flush your kidneys you need to first find a good program to follow.  For good results, it is best not to cheat on these programs.

  • The program is short-lived and usually only takes 2 – 3 days. 
  • Kidney flushing programs may vary but most of them include the following basic elements;
  • You need to drink lots of water to hydrate your body and assist in removing deposits from your kidneys
  • The program usually involves drinking herbal teas or detox teas
  • These programs usually involve drinking lots of detoxing beverages.  Many programs can focus on mainly beverages like juices and can exclude solid foods entirely.
  • Most programs focus on healthy cleansing foods that assist in cleaning your blood and kidneys

Kidney flushing can help you restore your kidney health whenever they feel sore and regular cleansings can help your body function better.  You can however also keep your kidneys healthy by drinking lots of water, eating healthy and balanced meals and by drinking fruit juices every day. 

Do cleanses work?

If you ever endured a kidney stone, then you will understand why so many people are serious about flushing their kidneys.  Many claim that passing a kidney stone is more painful than giving birth.  Kidney stones and infections can also be very dangerous.

The nourishing drinks consumed during kidney cleansing usually contain lots of fruits and veggies with detoxing elements. Drinking lots of water also helps remove deposits and waste products from your kidneys and promotes kidney and bladder health.

There is no way to tell for sure if kidney flushing will prevent kidney stones and infections entirely.

But these cleanse do help a great deal for treating your kidneys when they feel sore and flushing your kidneys does help remove debris that can turn into kidney stones.

In any case, kidney flushing has no negative effects on your body at all. All kidney flushing beverages are packed with healthy nutrients that will only benefit your body. So why not give kidney cleansing a try? Your body will certainly only benefit from enjoying a cleansing treatment and kidney flushing beverages can only boost your general health while reducing your body weight. 

What are the best drinks to flush your kidneys?

Kidney cleansing drinks usually contain lots of fruits and veggies with detoxing effects.  There are quite a few different recipes available on the market and many of these beverages are surprisingly easy to make and can be very tasty.  Here is a quick look at the best natural drinks to enjoy or to include in your kidney cleansing program if you want to give your kidneys a good boost;

  • Beet Juice

Beet juice is one of the best kidney flushing beverages to drink if you need to detox your body.

Beets are full of antioxidants that remove free radicals in your body. 

Beet Juice

Beets also increase your urinal acidity. When your kidneys have a higher acidic level, they can remove calcium more effectively and your chances of kidney stone formation is greatly reduced. Beets also naturally cleanse your blood which reduces the strain on your kidneys.

Drinking beet juice won't just flush your kidneys.  Beets contain lots of iron.  When you consume iron, your blood oxygen levels are boosted and your mind receives much more oxygen.  This can make you feel more focused and alert and can give you a boost in energy. 

The best juicer recipes books have many different juicing recipes available including juices with a wide range of ingredients such as lemon, ginger, spicy basil or watermelon.   Beets can also be used to make delicious pink health smoothies if you prefer something more filling.

  • Lemon juice
Lemon Juice

Drinking lemon juice is one of the best immunity boosting juices.  These fruits contain lots of minerals and Vitamin C which boosts your immune system.  Lemon juice is also considered as nature’s most popular natural medicine because daily lemon juice consumption can help you regulate your blood pressure levels and can assist in flushing fats from your body and bloodstream.

Lemon juice is a great drink to enjoy if you need to flush your kidneys.  The high citrate levels help remove calcium from your kidneys which prevents kidney stones from formulating.  It is also a delicious fruit to mix with your water if you have a hard time staying hydrated.

It is quite easy to make your own lemon juice.  Simply squeeze fresh juice from lemons and mix the juice of 4 – 5 lemons with a quart of cold or ice water.  Alternatively, you can combine lemon juice with other fruits such as watermelon and more to create refreshing beverages that you can sip all day.

If lemon juice is a bit too sour for you to handle then you can also consider orange juice.

Orange juice is also rich in nutrients and the acidic level of oranges can also remove deposits from your kidneys.

  • Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is one of the most-loved kidney flushing beverages because these sweet-sour fruits are so tasty, especially when you use the best juicers and combine different fruits with your cranberries.

Many also love to use cranberry juice to treat various medical conditions. The detoxing effect of cranberry juice makes it perfect for treating bladder infections, urinary tract infections and this juice are known to promote weight loss.

Drinking cranberry juice can also help flush your kidneys. The high acidic levels remove calcium buildup in your kidneys which prevents kidney stone formation and the natural detoxing effect of cranberries prevents and treats kidney infections.

Pure cranberry use can be a bit sharp on the tongue but these juices are perfect for creating delicious mixed juices or can be enjoyed diluted with water.

  • Dandelion tea
Dandelion tea

Native Americans use dandelions as medicine to treat kidney disease.  This weed is also being rediscovered by health experts who now use it for treating all sorts of health conditions and in weight loss products.

The entire dandelion plant is edible and its high source of vitamins A, B-complex, vitamins D, iron, potassium, and zinc makes it a perfect health aid.   Dandelions are also terrific for removing toxins from your body.

Dandelion tea is a great beverage to enjoy when you are flushing your kidneys. The nutrients it contains and its detoxing and anti-inflammatory effect helps dissolve kidney stones, and deposits which reduces the risk of kidney stones. Dandelion tea is also known to remove free radicals from your body and bloodstream which also helps cleanse your blood.

This tea is also very easy to make from natural plants and you can find ready-made teabags in many stores.  It is however important not to overuse dandelion tea.  This beverage can only be used for up to one month in a row.

Misusing dandelion tea can result in negative side effects such as diarrhea.

  • Turmeric tea
Turmeric tea

Turmeric is a wonder spice with lots of healing powers.  This spice is a strong anti-inflammatory agent that stops inflammation in various parts of your body including in kidneys for those struggling with chronic kidney disease. 

This spice is known to lower blood pressure and it improves liver function.  With a healthy liver, the strain on your kidneys is also reduced since your liver is also responsible for filtering toxins from your body. 

It is quite easy to make your own spicy turmeric tea.  You can simply add a teaspoon of ground turmeric powder to boiling water.  Allow the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes and add a bit of lemon juice and black pepper.  When you scout the internet you will also find many other ways to make turmeric teas. 

Turmeric powder is also a popular ingredient in cleansing or detoxes smoothies.  This anti-inflammatory ingredient can reduce bloating and can help you take off centimeters around your waist in no time at all. 

An example of a 2-day kidney flush plan

It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional if you want to start on a kidney cleansing program.  If you are struggling with a kidney disease then consulting with your doctor is critical.

Kidney cleansing programs are usually short-lived to minimize the chances of health risks or negative side effects. 

It is also best to never engage in a detox or cleansing program for longer than three days so your body won’t be deprived of needed nutrients like protein.  Here is a quick look at a popular 2-day kidney cleansing program;

Day 1


Mornings are started with an 8oz glass of warm water with 1t of fresh lemon juice


For breakfast you can blend the following ingredients for a 12-oz smoothie;

  • 1 beetroot
  • Half a cucumber
  • 2 apples
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1inch grated fresh ginger


For lunch you can enjoy a large mixed green salad that includes the following ingredients;

  • Grilled chicken tofu
  • Half red onion
  • 1 cup chopped apple
  • Quarter cup grapes
  • Sliced almonds
  • You can also top your salad with the following dressing;
  • 1/3 cup low-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1tbsp mustard
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper


For dinner you can enjoy another 8oz smoothie with the following ingredients;

  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • ½ mango
  • 1 cup kale
  • 1tbsp lemon juice
  • 1tbsp ground flaxseed

It is also important to continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day. 2 Liters of water is recommended for the average adult.

Day 2


Drink 1 cup of green tea with 1tbsp fresh lemon juice


You can blend an 8oz smoothie with the following ingredients;

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • ½ cup spinach
  • ¼ cup mixed berries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed


Lunch and dinner will be more substantial.  You can combine the following ingredients in sauté with olive oil;

  • 1 cup cooked brown rice
  • ½ cup cooked beans
  • ¼ cup green beans
  • ½ cup chopped carrots
  • 1-2 tsp minced garlic


Make a veggie soup with the following ingredients;

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 onion
  • 1 cup tomato
  • 1 can kidney beans
  • ¼ cup parsley
  • 2 tsp. minced garlic
  • 4 cups vegetable broth

To make the soup simply chop all vegetables and add them to the broth.  When the vegetables are cooked, you can stir in the parsley, add salt and pepper and serve.

As you can see, this two-day plan consists of lots of healthy vegetables and fruits.  These programs are mostly designed to encourage you to consume healthier foods.

Can you commercialize kidney flushing programs?

It is perfectly fine for you to give these detoxing and cleansing programs a try on your own but many advise against offering these diets and foods for commercial purposes.

The Food and Drug Administration has taken action against companies that offer detoxing and cleansing products for making false therapeutic claims.  Many of these companies included dangerous and even illegal ingredients in their products. 

A good example is the Ozark Country Herbs who produced herbal products that promise to treat everything from depression to migraine and flue. 

For your own and for the safety of others it is probably best not to look at health programs as a lucrative industry but rather as a way to boost your own personal health and wellbeing.

Best Drink to Flush your Kidneys

Don’t drink too much water

Staying hydrated is very important, especially if you want to cleanse and detox your body.  But drinking too much water can also be harmful.

Too many fluids flushing through your body can reduce mineral concentrates and essential salts in your body and bloodstream. This can lead to serious health conditions.  Low sodium levels in your blood can result in hypernatremia which can be life-threatening if your brain starts to swell.

Be aware of unhealthy kidney flushing programs

In some kidney flushing programs, people are instructed to fast for several days and restrict their calorie intake.  Abstaining from healthy foods can result in headaches, fatigue, nutritional imbalances and can be extremely unhealthy for the human body.

You should also be wary of programs that include too many herbal teas.  Herbal teas can do wonders for detoxing your body and for reducing bloating.  But consuming too many herbs, like dandelion tea, for example, can cause negative side effects such as diarrhea and dizziness.


Kidney flushing programs can give your kidneys a good boost and can also help you reduce the chances of getting painful kidney stones and kidney infections.

But some of these programs can also be harmful to your body if these programs involve restrictive diets. 

It is also a known fact that a healthy lifestyle and constant healthy eating can promote kidney health.  By enjoying healthy, nutrient-rich meals and beverages, you can avoid kidney conditions and boost your kidneys without having to go to extreme measures. 

Kidney cleansing drinks are also healthy enough to include in your everyday diet.  Many of these drinks contain lots of nutrients and have anti-inflammatory effects that promote overall health and wellbeing.  These drinks are perfect meal replacements for those looking to lose weight and can be enjoyed along with your healthy meal.

It thus makes sense that those who frequently enjoy unhealthy foods such as takeaways can benefit a great deal from occasional kidney flushing as long as these programs include a balanced diet.  Those who mostly consume healthy meals can simply add kidney flushing beverages to their daily diets to help keep their kidneys as healthy as possible on a regular basis.

Kidney cleansing drinks can also be a good way to help you treat a kidney infection or boost your kidneys whenever they feel sore. 

All in all, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional if you are undertaking a serious kidney flushing program or if you suffer from chronic kidney disease. 

Other kidney boosting tips

There are many things that can affect your kidneys and while a kidney flushing drink can help you a lot, there are also some other things you can do to boost your kidneys like the following;

Treat high blood pressure – High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney problems and even kidney stones.  If you treat high blood pressure you can prevent kidney problems from formulating.

Stay hydrated – Dehydration has a negative effect on all organs and especially on your kidneys.  When your body is dehydrated, less urine is produced and fewer toxins can be flushed from your kidneys.  Kidneys themselves reduce in function when you become dehydrated. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water per day for optimal health.

Drink lots of natural fruit juice – Fruit juices contain lots of nutrients, vitamins and other nutrients that can boost your immune system.  Acidic fruit juices like lemon juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, strawberry juice, and others also help prevent kidney stones from formulating since the high acidic levels of these juices assist in removing calcium deposits from your kidneys.  Drinking fresh fruit juice daily can help you boost your overall health and can help keep your kidneys healthy and strong.

Reduce sodium intake – Foods with high sodium levels increase your blood pressure levels. This adds more strain to your body and can result in kidney damage.

This adds more strain to your kidneys.

If you are struggling with constant kidney problems and infections then it is best to reduce sodium intake and to focus on low sodium foods like fresh fruits and veggies. 

Exercise – Physical exercise is always healthy for your body.  Working out helps you avoid high blood pressure, weight gain, and other conditions that ads more pressure on your kidneys.  Most healthcare professionals recommend you enjoy at least 20 minutes of physical activity each day.  These activities can include a long walk, a swim in the pool or a good workout program.

Quit unhealthy habits – Unhealthy habits like smoking don’t just affect your lungs.  These toxins can also impact your kidneys and reduces your body’s ability to heal.

How to know when your kidneys are unhealthy

It isn’t always easy to identify kidney problems.  These organs are after all located inside your body and like many other organs, the symptoms can be misleading.  The best way to identify kidney problems is by getting a diagnosis from a medical professional.  You can also look out for the following signs and symptoms of failing kidneys;

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney stones
  • Pains around the kidney area
  • Pain during urination
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • The need to urinate often
  • Blood in your urine
  • Foamy urine
  • Persistent puffiness around your eyes
  • Swollen ankles and feet

Kidney disease is not something to be messed with.  Chronic kidney disease can be terrible to live with and can result in many life restrictions and the thought of ending up on a donor list while you wait for a kidney replacement is absolutely terrifying.

 The best way to stay safe is by consulting with medical professionals and to get your kidneys tested every year if you already have a high-risk condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

 Focusing on a healthy lifestyle and diet plan can also help you keep your kidneys healthy and can help you prevent kidney conditions like kidney stones, infections, and kidney diseases.

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