Can You Freeze Beet Juice

Can You Freeze Beet Juice – Health Tips and Tricks

  • June 11, 2022

Beet juice is a common ingredient for juice fasting diets because this vegetable is packed in nutrients and has a filling effect on the tummy. It is good to make plenty of beet juice for your next juice fast or juice diet. 

When you are making beet juice in bulk, you will likely have one important question; can you freeze beet juice? Beets can take a while to juice and most people prefer to make their juice in bulk so they will have a good backup supply. Juicing is also a great way to process these vegetables if you have an abundance of beets.

In this guide, we are going to show you whether you can freeze this healthy juice type and we share some great tips for keeping your juice preserved and fresh for as long as possible. 

Can You Freeze Beet Juice?

Whole beets do not freeze very well, but you will be surprised to know that beet juice can hold up very well in the freezer. Freezing beet juice is a great solution for preserving these healthy juices for longer because the freezer will kill harmful bacteria that might result in fermented beet. 

You can use frozen beet juice for a variety of beverages like health smoothies or in cooking recipes

How to Freeze Beet Juice?

There are quite a few different ways to freeze beet juice. It is however always best to freeze this type of juice in small quantities because juice can only be frozen once. Once tawed, the juice will need to be consumed or discarded. If you freeze-tawed beet juice a second time, it can go off and it can make you sick.

Here is a quick look at the best ways to freeze vegetable juice.

In an air-tight container

It is always best to freeze fresh produce in an air-tight container. You can freeze homemade beet juice or store-bought beet juice in an air-tight container.

Any air-tight container like a bottle or plastic tub will do just fine. Just allow an inch of space in the tub because the liquid will expand as it freezes and might cause the lid to pop open.

Inside zip-lock bags

A good way to store beet juice without taking up too much space in the freezer is to keep them in zip-lock containers. These containers usually form an air-tight seal and can expand quite a bit so you won’t have to worry about your bags popping open when the liquid expands. 

Lay the freezer bags in a single layer on a flat surface so the beet juice can freeze in a flat position. This can save you a lot of fridge space and it will make it very easy to taw a cup of beet juice when you need it.

Use ice-cube trays

The best way to freeze beet juice is in an ice cube tray. The ice cube trays will form iced beat juice cubes that you can easily add to a chilled beverage or use inside your blender to make a beet smoothie. When you add the beet cubes to the blender, it will create a smooth slush-puppy effect that is perfect for a healthy beet smoothie.

To freeze beet juice in ice cubes, simply grab your old freezer cube tray and fill them with beet juice instead of water. Place the beetroot juice cubes on a flat surface in the freezer and wait until they have set. Once frozen, you can simply push out the cubes and toss them in a zip lock container or use a vacuum sealer to create vacuum-packed beetroot packages. 

The cubes are very simple to use because you can easily measure out the number of beet juice cubes you need for your beverages and keep the rest safely stored in your freezer.

Can You Freeze Beet Juice

How Long Can You Freeze Beet Juice?

Beet juice has a very long freezer life but the taste, color, texture, and nutrients of the juice will degrade as time goes on. 

It is pretty safe to store beet juice in a freezer for up to one year. But it is best to consume your fresh beet juice within a few weeks to a couple of months.

How To Make Beet Juice?

Beets are hard root vegetables and it can be difficult to extract the juices from these veggies. There are a number of different ways to make your own fresh beet juice. 

You can cook beets before exacting the juice. Cooking beets before juicing them will make it much easier to process these root vegetables because cooked beets will be much softer. Roasted beets can also offer a much sweeter and richer flavor. 

A lot of people do however advise against cooking beets before juicing them. This is because cooking will destroy most of the nutritional content found in these juices.

There are quite a few different ways to extract fresh beetroot juice from raw beets. Here are the best techniques;

Use a blender

Start by removing the beet skins using a vegetable peeler. To make a pulpy beet juice, you can simply dice the medium beets into smaller pieces and add them to a blender for juicing. If you like, you can also add the beet greens. Allow the blender to chop the beets until they are nice and creamy. For this method, you might need to add a cup of water to the blender since raw beetroot and beet leaves can be too chunky for your blender to easily process. 

Once chopped, you can use a cheesecloth to remove large pieces of pulp from the juice. Once strained, the juice should be smooth and delicious.

Use a juicer machine

A juicer can be a very good tool to use if you want to make lots of healthy juice or green juice in no time at all.

For the healthiest juice, we recommend a slow-masticating juicer. These juicer types will slowly crush the beetroot pieces and will extract the juice from the fibers before discarding the fibers. Beetroot juice extracted via slow juicers is a lot healthier because no nutrients are damaged during the juicing process and these juices tend to have a longer shelf life.

If you want to make a lot of beetroot juice from a bunch of beetroot veggies in just 2-3 minutes then you can also consider a fast masticating juicer. These juicers will quickly process and extract the juice from beets and will even separate the pulp fibers from the liquid. But because they move so fast, they can damage some of the nutrients and create a juice with a frothier texture. This frothier texture results from oxidation and may reduce the storage life of the juice quite a bit. 

There are many different beet recipe types you can try and many prefer to combine beetroot juice with other fruits and vegetables because the portion of beetroot juice can sometimes be overwhelming.  Some even prefer to add a bit of common salt to their juice to enhance the flavor of the beets or to enhance the shelf life of the juice. 

Final Thoughts

So can you freeze beet juice? You certainly can. Freezing beetroot juice is a great way to preserve these tasty beverages for longer and makes it much easier to get a cup of fresh juice early in the morning. It is also good to have a supply of frozen beetroot juice because you will be able to easily whip up tasty beverages like health smoothies when the beetroot juice is already frozen into cubes.

We hope that you found this guide useful and if you want to learn more about beetroot juice or other types of healthy juices then you should have a look at some of the other guides we have on JuicerzHub. With our guides, you can find all the latest and best juicing recipes or juicing appliances. 

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